maandag 18 juni 2012

I'm stil there.

It's been a while since I've been busy with miniatures. At the moment all my time and inspiration is focused on our french house. I'm repainting old furniture and having a blast. If you would like to see photo's of that adventure you can click here.
But I haven't forgotten my dollhouses. So I have picked up a pattern and started to embroider again.
It's a abusson rug. What do you think of it?? I like the colours and the pattern a lot.

I will try to be back soon with some progress.

Hugs, Monique

vrijdag 17 februari 2012

Some shopping and some work

I bought some new mini's for my vintage and brocante house.
Two gorgeous rugs and a cushion for the livingrooms, a pretty skirt for the vintageshop and two paris streetsigns. One of them will go on the french house and the other one is for my future project. Which is still only in my head for the most :-)

Everything is from petit brocante. Susanne makes such beautifull brocante mini's. It's everytime a joy to open her package :-))

I also was lucky to find these beautiful jewelery parts at Christel's blog

I will use these in de french house but also in the future project.
For now they will lay in a pretty bowl for a while.

Last week I made this little box. I got that number as a present from my youngest daughter in the summer of 2010. I didn't want to put it outside for there are already two numbers on our house. It was just lying in the bookcase for a year and a half. ( I know!!! )
Waiting for me to come with an idea and suddenly I knew what I could make from it.
A little bit of South-French in the house. It reminds me of summer and that is always a good thing. I will make some more things but for now it will do.
Of course my daughter is happy that I finally made something with her present.

So Sandra....again, I love it and thank you for you thoughtfull present sweetie ;-)

Hugs, Monique

donderdag 19 januari 2012

shadowbox for Laura

My daughter Laura is a big fan of Japan and Gothic Lolita. That's a special sort of fashion. Here is a link if you want to see it.

I wanted to make a little 'Lolita house' but it remained an idea. The things I've collected were in a shoebox and I thought it was time to do something with them.
So I made Laura a shadowbox. Small but everthing fits in nicely!! It's good that it is a small box......her room is already full enough as it is.

Well, that's one thing finished :-)

Hugs, Monique